IT-EX Association represents Italian trade fairs with international exposure, and aims to promote and protect their competitiveness and independence in the global market. Our mission is to serve the interests of key industrial sectors associated with Italian companies and promote their export activities, granting support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well.
Trade Fairs Report
Research Department – Fondazione Fiera Milano
The Congress and Events Report is the result of the collaboration of Fondazione Fiera Milano (founding partner of IT-EX) with ASERI – Graduate School of Economics and International Relations of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. The 2022 edition is focused on Europe of Major Associative and Corporate Events (L’Europa dei grandi eventi associativi e corporate) is available only in Italian.
Thanks to the heterogeneity of its members, IT-EX represents Italian international trade fairs belonging to various sectors, and plays a vital role in protecting and promoting the economic and industrial system.
Thanks to the heterogeneity of its members, IT-EX represents Italian international trade fairs belonging to various sectors, and plays a vital role in protecting and promoting the economic and industrial system.